Ho ricevuto questo premio da Emanuela di my-littleinspirations.blogspot.com e a mia volta devo passarlo ad altri blog aperti di recente,o con pochi followers,perchè lo scopo di questo premio è appunto far conoscere i nuovi blog .
Le regole sono:
1.accetare il premio e scrivere un post in merito sul proprio blog.
2.Linkare il post al blog della persona che vi ha inviato il premio.
3.Passare il premio a 3-5 nuovi blog,communicando loro che hanno ricevuto il premio.
I blog che ho scelto sono:
Ireceived this award from Emanuela http://my-littleinspirations.blogspot.com/. Now it's my turn to pass the award to other blogs who have recently opened or who have few followers,this is a good way of getting to know new blogs.
The rules are:
Accept the award and write about it on your blog.
Link a post to the actual blog that gave you the award.
Pass the award to 3-5 new blogs, advising them that they have received an award.
The 3 blogs that I chose are the three listed above.
Oh Alison, I'm overwhelmed!!!! You really are a "Sweet Little Thing"!!
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for promoting my blog, and Congratulations to you too for having received the award in the first place!!!
Not really sure what I have to do next though. I would love to accept it, and i will certainly write about it, link it to you, and pass it on. Will i actually have something to proudly display in my sidebar like I've seen on other blogs?If so how wonderful!!
I'm so excited, thank you so so much, you are very kind!!!
Gill x
Grazie mille per aver scelto anche il mio blog!
RispondiEliminaAccetto volentieri il premio, l'unico problema è che non saprei a chi passarlo dopo! Appena ho un pò di tempo cerco di spulciare un pò nei vari blog...
Grazie ancora! ^^
Hi Alison!
RispondiEliminaIf you pop over to my blog you will see I have accepted the Liebster Award and passed it on to 3 more blogs as well as linking to your blog!
Thank you!!!
Best Wishes