domenica 13 maggio 2012


A touch of pink was all that was needed to add a dash of colour to this corner of the room.....what superb flowers " Anemone". Not even real but they look so good.
 Un tocco di rosa per dare un po di colore a questo angolino della sala.....che bei fiore " Anèmone ".Non sono veri ma sono belle lo stesso.

This little bust I found some time ago in a secondhand was originally black in colour but I gave it a touch of grey.....
Questo piccolo statuetto ho trovato un po di tempo fa in un mercatino ...originalmente era di colore nero ma Io ho dato uno mano di grigio.....

Today I made this banner by cross stitching the letters onto cream linen....I saw a similar idea on another blog but can't remember which one .I think that I would have used a stencil ...but didn't have the right size so  that's why I did it in cross stitch.       HAPPINESS is the translation for this french word.
Oggi il mio lavoro è stato ricamando le lettere per realizare questo ghirlanda......sarrebbe stato piu facile usando i non avevo le misure giuste......FELICITA....

3 commenti:

  1. A very nice corner indeed!

    Juliëtte xxx

  2. This is such a gorgeous corner, love the bust and the bunting :) have a happy week sweetie

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!
